Tungsten Tube Video

Tungsten Tube https://metalstek.com/refractory-metals/tungsten/tungsten-tube/

Tungsten Tube Details:

Material: Tungsten Tube

Purity: W-99.95% Min

Size Range: Diameter 3-500mm; Thickness 0.4-30mm; Length <2,000mm

Density: >18.5 g/cc

Vickers Hardness: >450 HV

Surface: Finished

Tungsten Tube ​Applications

Common applications of tungsten tubes include:

  • High-Temperature Furnaces: Tungsten tubes are used as components in high-temperature furnaces for applications like metal sintering and other heat treatments.
  • Heating Elements: Tungsten tubes serve as heating elements in certain industrial processes where high temperatures are required.
  • Radiation Shielding: Due to tungsten’s high density, tungsten tubes are utilized for radiation shielding in medical devices, X-ray equipment, and nuclear applications.
  • Electron Tubes:Tungsten tubes can be used in the production of electron tubes for various applications, such as cathode ray tubes (CRTs).
  • Aerospace and Defense:Tungsten tubes may find use in aerospace and defense applications where the combination of high density and thermal stability is beneficial.

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